Preferences: Encoding

The Encoding page lets you do the following:

To display the Encoding page:

Description of items on page:



Select Encoding Format

Choose the format QCD will encode files into. This is a list of all the currently installed QCD encoder plug-ins.

Configure Format

Opens the encoder plug-in settings window. The contents of this window depend on the encoder plug-in currently selected.

Root Output Folder

Click to set the folder to store the encoded files.

Output folder\filename template

Select a built-in filename template to control the locations and filenames of encoded music files.

Filename Template Editor

Click to edit the filename template for more precise control over locations and filenames of encoded audio files.

When converting...

Sets the output folder of encoded files to the same folder as the audio source.

Add encoded...

Adds all completed encodes to the QCD Playlist.

Utilize DSP...

Encodes audio with DSP enhancements and modifications.

Create playlist...

Automates M3U or PLS (or both) playlist creation of the encoded files.


For more information about the encoder, see: Encoder Controls.

For information about encoding music files, see How To: Encode Music Files.

To learn about encoder plug-ins, go to: Plug-ins: Encoders.